Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gray! Gooey!

The first part of this is extracted from another post that I started working on. Reading back through, the jump just didn't seem to work. But I wanted to make sure I set it down in some form. So happy birthday little post.

Our brains are made of a large number of interconnected nodes. An individual node takes as input the current state of the nodes it is connected to, and running through a quick tabulation, decides to fire or not fire based on those inputs. Further, the nodes that it fires to are determined by the inputs (it doesn't flail out to every node that it "knows" to say that its on). That's a somewhat simplistic description but provides a nice trace back to the approach in AI that attempts to model the brain's structure by the use of neural networks.

The usages of neural networks in AI that I'm familiar with focus on matching particular inputs to particular output states. For an example, such networks have been used to teach computers to recognize the difference between photographs of men and women. The process starts with a significant training period. The trainer provides an image. The image is fed through the network (which has no meaningfully set nodes yet). The trainer then looks at the output from the network and indicates whether the network's output is correct or not. If correct, the network sits tight. If wrong, the network runs through a process whereby it adjusts impedance levels between nodes so that given the particular input (and with something like this it gets a bit tricky defining what the specific input is. Do you just feed it raw .bmp or .jpg data? Probably not if you want to differentiate gender. You probably pre-process to break out particular characteristics of the subject of the photograph, especially in regards to relationships between the parts and then feed those into your network), the output corresponds to a value (or series of values) you've designated as male or female (maybe your output string could have a strength of prediction component to it. Rather then simply 01110101 = male and 11010010 = female, the real measure of male/female is the position/quantity of ones and zeros. Perhaps the first half of an 8 bit sequence represents non-overlapping male characteristics, and the second half non-overlapping female characteristics. If there are more ones in the first half then the second half, then it indicates male. If there are more ones in the second half, then it indicates female. The degree of prediction certainty could be based on the difference in # of 1s and 0s from expected 100% certainty subjects. 11110000 would be an output that it was 100% certain was male. 00001111 would be 100% certain that it was female. Then along the way you might get 11010010 or 10010001. Both examples would register as males, however, the fact that the first was missing one indicator of maleness and had one indicator of femaleness would indicate a degree of uncertainty. And of course, this would leave an out for complete androgyny - 11111111).

So to get back on track, the trainer feeds the network input conditions and lets the network know if the output is right or wrong. The network updates, and the trainer feeds the network another image. This is repeated through a large set of inputs. With nothing other then right/wrong as guidance, the network of nodes begins to have encoded in it, an ability to correctly categorize this particular kind of input (although, it is very limited. Try feeding it a picture of a female giraffe. Or a bowling ball. Or any other curve ball that you can think of, and it will still give an answer, but the answer won't be grounded in anything). The outputs are symbolic representations of categories that have been built up and defined.

And because insertion and deletion have made things a bit disjoint, here's a random chunk:

When a symbol is represented, it is not realized in a single location in the brain, but is a diffuse pattern across a subset of the collective. Further, any individual node may be enmeshed in a large number of particular symbol patterns. So neuron #23646 may be one bit in the chain of firings that may represent your sister, but it also is one bit in the chain of firings that represents lizards. And also, one bit in the chain that represents paper. As an added level of complexity, within any pattern of firings, there's enough redundancy that the death of any one node (or number of nodes), would not break the symbol (otherwise, a night of drinking would signal the physical death of any number of things that you know about the world).

A great deal of criticism regarding neural networks emerges from the "amount of training required for real world training" (see the wikipedia entry). So another little jump. Does the time line of human development (in terms of our bits and pieces coming online - by which I mean when particular senses become more attenuated, motor skills develop, etc...) make sense in this context? From what I've read thus far, it seems to lend itself some credence. The most crucial categorization that we need for more complex learning is the differentiation between I/not I. And it seems that early on we are confined to a much smaller bubble. Here's a bit on eye sight in infancy:

"When they’re born, babies see in black and white and shades of gray. Because newborns can only focus eight to twelve inches, most of their vision is blurred. Babies first start to learn to focus their eyes by looking at faces and then gradually moving out to bright objects of interest brought near them. Newborns should be able to momentarily hold their gaze on an object for a few seconds, but by 8-12 weeks they should start to follow people or moving objects with their eyes. At first, infants have to move their whole head to move their eyes, but by 2-4 months they should start to move their eyes independently with much less head movement. When infants start to follow moving objects with their eyes they begin to develop tracking and eye teaming skills. Young infants haven't learned to use their eyes together; they haven't developed enough neuromuscular control yet to keep their eyes from crossing. This alarms many parents, but by 4 or 5 months babies usually have learned to coordinate their eye movements as a team and the crossed-eyes should stop."

The time line of a child's development seems keyed in to allowing for specific categorizations to develop at specific times. (Looking at the above excerpt, I'm drawn to particular parts of it. Black and white vision to start - colors get integrated into our mental representations later. 8-12 inch vision range - keeps focus on objects that are closer to our physical space. Independent eye motions - start seeing in two dimensions as opposed to three? Depth perception added later? Move whole head to move eyes - we must face in the direction of the things we want to see, body is not allowed to partially take part in stimulus, we've got to about face the whole thing if we want to engage. All things that indicate that our senses - or at least sight in this case - prevent overwhelming complexity early on in learning processes)

With that I'll stop for the moment. There are definitely things there that I want to get more information on. I haven't really looked at anything related to neural networks since the Artificial Intelligence class I took senior year (2003). Hofstadter's talk of the Careenium and Simmballs got me thinking in that direction a bit. And the bits and pieces I've seen on child development tend to separate everything out based on the kind of function (vision gets its own section, hearing another,...). It'd be a nice exercise to cross reference the different senses to see where the various milestones (large and small) fit into context with each other.

There are three other posts related to things that have popped up while reading Hofstadter being smacked around in various forms to try and get them somewhat cohesive. Hopefully I'll get them together sometime in the next week.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Venomous Clash of Broken Sound

I still have not finished Hofstadter. And I would say that its mostly a lack of.... discipline... on my part. I've found some rather uncreative ways to piss away the days (not to say that I haven't had some creative ones as well). But despite all this, I am closing on the end. And as I get closer, I'm of the inclination that it's time to start poking bits and pieces of it with a stick. Otherwise, I'll end up with a tangled, incoherent mess (which it may turn out to be anyway) that rambles on for a span long enough to kill the attention span of a birdwatcher, let alone myself.

So. On to the potatoes (I'll save the meat for another day).

The first bit that I want to get to (and will in all likelihood come back to at a later date as well) concerns something that pokes its head out at various points throughout the book (and if Wikipedia is any indication, comes through in much of his other work and thought as well). This is the notion that the mechanism of human cognition is based around analogy.

A few quotes (ordered in level of abstractness):

"thanks to a mapping, full-fledged meaning can suddenly appear in a spot where it was entirely unsuspected" p. 148

"Virtually every thought in this book (or in any book) is an analogy, as it involves recognizing something as being a variety of something else." p.xviii

"Standing in line with a friend in a cafe, I spot a large chocolate cake on a platter behind the counter, and I ask the server to give me a piece of it. My friend is tempted but doesn't take one. We go to our table and after my first bite of cake, I say, "Oh, this tastes awful." I mean, of course, not merely that my one slice is bad but that the whole cake is bad, so that my remark exemplifies how we effortlessly generalize outwards. We unconsciously think, This piece of the cake is very much like the rest of the cake, so a statement about it will apply equally well to any other piece." p. 149

Analogy is about relating symbols (or strings of symbols) to each other. On a concrete level, this can amount to the simple act of relating the properties of a part to a whole (this piece of cake is bad, thus the entire cake is bad), or similar objects to each other (this one cookie I took from the plate was good, so the other cookies must be good), or dissimilar objects (I think these wool gloves will keep my hands warm and dry, because my wool hat keeps my head warm and dry). In the last case, it's easier to think of things in terms of categories (which is a nice concise way of saying "things that are similar" in a particular way X). Categories get established to account for the way in which we experience objects in the world.

Name 10 green things. Name 10 sharp things. Name 10 hot things... From the day we are born, the learning process is associative. We're given 5 different ways to experience our external environments. Sight. Hearing. Touch. Taste. Smell. (and in further pursuit of that, it's interesting to think that the same internal symbol is triggered by the senses individually as well as in conjunction. If you were blindfolded and put in a room, and you were to hear purring and meowing, you'd think cat. Similarly, if you were to walk by a pet store and see whiskers, tabby markings and a tail, you'd also think cat. In either case, a small subset of characteristics allow you to relate a specific instantiation to a general concept).

And as sleep creeps up on me, I'll post what likely amounts to a stub. The idea of thought as analogy is quite alluring to me. For another day, I would like to look at this idea in the light of behaviorism.

Friday, January 2, 2009

This Song At Half Speed Resembles a Waltz

The holidays are nearly past and I get back to business. Almost. The punctuated week (running something like Monday. Tuesday. Fake Wednesday. Holiday Stop.... Friday), gave a bunch of opportunities for distraction, and in a fashion true to form, I took it up on its offer. At points in there I thought that I'd get back to book like pursuits, but that ended up being a no go until last night.

I'm about half way through the first of my Hofstadter books right now and I'm enjoying it immensely. I posted this quote elsewhere, but it deserves a bit more immortality then the zen garden scratch that I made of it.

"...and we were both exploring mathematics with a wild kind of intoxication that only teen-agers know."

To go off on a mild tangent. When I read something that really strikes me, I tend to get a sense of immersion in ice cold water. My skin prickles, and I can feel the words crash against my skin. Little darts of piercing thought. A few books I've read in the past five years or so have hit like that. Fahrenheit 451. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Ishmael (at points). Enders Game.

Hofstadter hasn't quite hit me like that thus far. There's more of a familiarity then a sense of exterior stimulus. There's a lot in what he's saying that I've had an internalized sense of. Some bits kind of point me towards new things to read (I hadn't previously had it on my list, but I think I'm going to look into Godel a bit more), but in general it's like looking in a circus mirror. There's some distortion and transformation, but the general shape is something that I see on an everyday basis. I'm looking forward to the end of this first book, so that I can see where he takes it all.