Thursday, August 28, 2008

Productivity Hindered!

I think that, if it weren't for webcomics, I would necessarily have to be extremely productive at work. But as it is, I find myself an hour into work, nothing done, and my finger poised over the left mouse button, ready to strike. Right now I'm knee deep in Overcompensating, which is a webcomic that embodies a form of randomness that bleeds into my head in the most pleasant of ways.

In my new apartment (more to come on that as I finish cleaning and checking out of my old one), I now get cable (the cost of which is included in my rent along with internet and utilities). And this strip ( amused me. The cable got set up in my apartment on Tuesday, and since then I've watched two shows: Ice Road Truckers (which I had heard about, but frankly left me a little bored) and Three Sheets. Three Sheets is an amazing show about traveling around the world and learning the drinking customs of the various places therein (read: comedian travels, gets wasted on local beverages, tries hangover cure the next morning, gets wasted again, ad infinitum). I'd seen the first season through Netflix (with stops in Costa Rica, Wales, Ireland, Belgium, Japan....) and methinks I may continue watching through Season 2.

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